Holiday Gift Wrap Station

Happy Holidays!!!
During this time of year, I always yearn for one of those dream homes where they have an entire room dedicated to nothing more than wrapping presents!  I swoon to think of an organized space with rows of wrapping paper, ribbon in every shape & color imaginable, an entire drawer dedicated to double sided tape and a fancy pants label maker that prints customized tags.  Who I'm wrapping all those presents for, I'm not sure, but the type A in me gets very happy thinking about it!  So, rather than wish for a dedicated space, I decided to designate one!  And boy has it been a life saver this Holiday Season!  With everything in one easily accessible space, it's been a breeze wrapping & shipping holiday gifts.  To accommodate my Holiday Gift Wrapping Station, I decided to transform my garden section of our pegboard mudroom.  With any smaller home, you sometimes have to get creative and make dual purposes out of multiple spaces.  Because I'm currently not using my gardening tools, this section of our mudroom was the perfect spot.  To make this space easy, cheap & functional, I used items I already had on hand, with the exception of these Cafe Rods.
Starting at only $2.47 each (depending on color & size), these rods are the perfect size for holding standard wrapping paper.  Don't have pegboard?  No worries ~ these would work great on the back of a door or screwed directly into a wall.

Vintage metal bike baskets hold & organize boxes.

And small canning jars hold tags and pens.

For additional wrapping paper storage, an old basket does the trick and metal snap hook clips hang nutcracker gift toppers.
For small gifts, I love to recycle old maps or comics from the Sunday paper.  The ornament "wrapping paper" (below right) happens to be a page from a holiday catalog.  
Who says wrapping paper has to be actual wrapping paper?!
  While I would love to keep this space a wrapping haven, I just don't have the use for it 11 months out of the year.  So come January, I'll convert the space back to my gardening zone and place my wrapping supplies where they're usually kept ~ in my Living Room Hutch.  One drawer holds wrapping paper, which is still easily accessed for birthday gifts or unexpected presents.  Another organizes ribbon, tags and tape.  This idea would also work great for under-bed storage.  

So whether you have a whole room, a small closet or a drawer, I wish you continuous gift wrapping joy throughout the year!

This post was originally shared here on The Handmade Home.  
Be sure to check out their site for inspiring ideas for all things house & home!