In what feels like a blink, the twins are six weeks old! It feels like yesterday that we brought these two home, heck it feels like yesterday we found out we were expecting twins! I have a feeling I'll still feel this way ten, twenty years down the road. They're time thieves I tell you! The first six weeks with our twins have been a whirlwind of awesomeness. Everyday is amazing, and tiresome, and wonderful, and challenging, and happy, and fun, and exhilarating. There's no other way I could imagine spending my days than with my two little time thieves. Brian and I have tried to make a conscience effort to live in the moment and treat every day as an adventure. To jump start some family memories and hopefully, simultaneously, create some family traditions, our little family of four recently made the hour drive to Bottom's Tree Farm in north Georgia. We walked around the grounds, took some family pictures and found what we believe is the perfect tree for Parker and Kennedy's first Christmas.