Today’s the day! 40 Day Challenge Starts Now!
Are you sick and tired of feeling sick and tired? Are you wanting to make a change but having a hard time getting motivated? Deep down, do you just now that you’re not living to your full self potential? If you’re answering yes to any of these, then this post and this challenge is for you! And YOU CAN DO THIS!
Last week I shared a big update and recap on my personal journey with Intermittent Fasting - how and why I did it, the benefits I personally found (outside of just weightloss) and whether I stuck with it through stay at home (spoiler alert: not really). The outpouring of messages from you guys after that was amazing. So many of you shared a similar desire to get your health back, so many shared how they too found success through fasting, and more still even shared how they wanted to know more!
Now, while I am absolutely NO doctor and while I DO recommend you partner with your doctor before making any lifestyle changes….I also want to say that I don’t believe in one size fits all diagnosing. While I found intermittent fasting to be a huge benefit to my mind, body and spirit, I do NOT feel like fasting is right or even safe for everyone. So, for this challenge, while I’ll be getting back to my intermittent fasting routine, I want everyone to feel like they can join…in as big or small of way as you want!
And I invite you to do this for yourself, no one else! Make this about health over weightless. About lifestyle changes and choices over some fad diet. Put a focus on physical energy and mental clarity and find your motivation and your own personal why. For me this was and is always about health first (you can read more about my why in this post here!). I’m currently wanting to get my physical energy back, along with confidence and mental clarity (and darn those migraines that have snuck back into my life this month!) It’s about getting to know my body in this place right now. Not wishing for what it was a decade ago before adulting and having kids. It’s about meeting myself in this moment right here, and striving to be the best possible version of myself. While also accepting that with that comes good days (which I’ll celebrate) and bad ones (which I’ll give myself grace over).
The thing I hope for in this life is that I continuously grow, learn & evolve.
And Friends, that’s what I hope for you too!
And while I’ll be making a lot of big and what may feel like drastic changes for some of you, please know that this is not my first chapter at getting my health back. I started 3 years ago, and started very slow, intentional and small. It began with me knowing that Dairy was probably a trigger and issue for me and my PCOS…so that’s where I started. Initially giving up dairy for 30 days, started to see a small benefit, so continued it for another 60. What I’ve learned since then, is that 40 days is my personal sweet spot to feel if something (whether added or taken out of my diet) is a true benefit for me. And it’s typically at the 3 month mark where I’ll greatly see and feel those results! And here’s the thing when you find these things out about yourself…once you FEEL the difference, it is so much easier to make those changes a permanent lifestyle choice. And for me, eating what makes me ‘feel’ good is so much easier than me “restricting” or making rules around what I eat. So, for me, I’ve found that I can do anything for 40 days. Yes, the first 3 days are always the hardest, but after that it’s more about being intentional and making the choice to give myself a chance. Moderation is more my game and therefore one of the many reasons why Intermittent Fasting has just been a good fit for me.
So, if you’re wanting to join in…this 40 days will bring us right at July 4th (what a day to celebrate victory, right?!)…for week one of my intermittent fasting, I’m mainly focusing on sticking to my eating windows and honoring my fasting times. I’ll be fasting from 5pm-9am (16 hour fast)…and not worrying about making any changes to my current diet during my eating window, which is 9am-5pm…I’ll make diet changes in week 2 and 3. So, again, for me Week 1 is just about sticking to my windows!
During fasting I drink a lot of water (love this tumbler that I keep continuously filled throughout the day!) Helps to hydrate and overall is just great for your health! And to help myself with fasting, I love to have a cup or two of tea at night before bed. And in the morning I do indulge in my morning coffee with a splash of almond coconut milk as a low calorie creamer (this point is disputed in the world of intermittent fasting…I’ve read that consuming under 50 calories won’t break a fast, and after my first success with intermittent fasting feel this is true, so tea at night and coffee in the morning seem to work for me!)
And again, if you’re looking to make any lifestyle changes, fasting or others, be sure to partner with your doctor!! And don’t take my words (or other non-professionals on the internet) as true science or true to you medical advice!!! I’m here to share a personal journey, and hopefully inspire you to also seek out better and healthier ways to improve your physical, mental & spiritual health!
So, if you choose to try intermittent fasting, call your doctor! And when fasting, some people may do better starting small, with a 12 hour fast, then 14 and so on. Be sure to hydrate well throughout the day…coffee and teas can dehydrate you and listen to your body. Headaches, cramps, etc can all be signs that you’re dehydrated or suffering a vitamin deficiency. Fasting is not meant to starve yourself from the food and nutrition you need. It’s meant to give your body a rest from processing all the amazing, healthy things you should be putting in your body during the day.
And finally the great part with intermittent fasting is that is can be so flexible. I’m sharing my windows…some people are more fluid and flexible with theirs. For me, I have no self control in the evenings and late at night…hahaha, and have learned at that time of day I’m an emotional eater…eating feelings rather than for hunger, and therefore always go for the salty, processed sweet stuff! So, for me, it’s just best that I stick to a fairly strict window, but also being flexible when life happens (my kiddos bring me breakfast in bed early on the weekend…I’m not declining because “Mommy’s fasting” etc.)
Ok….so, you in?! Big or little wins are still wins! If you’re new to this, my advice start small! Drink more water! Commit to taking daily vitamins. Rather than takeout, 3 nights a week, maybe try just 2. Pick just ONE thing to change or add to better your overall health and commit to it with me for 40 days! Create a Week 1 Goal (mine is below) and stick with it for one week. Then we’ll rally next week for an update and a cheer fest before we create Week 2’s goals. We can do hard, challenging things, and while at first it feels daunting, by starting small, making the commitment for yourself, and then sticking with it for a short 40 days…you may just be surprised at the goodness that can come!
Here’s to continually growing with you friends!!
Love, Michelle
My Week 1 Goal
Make and commit to my fasting windows. That’s it! Just honor the times I decide to fast.