I love having mini Picasso's around the house. Drawing, painting, crafting with my toddlers is such an integral part of our daily routine. Brian and I have always had a love for creativity and a passion for creating and to now share that with our kids is truly special. But, unlike our last home, where we had an entire room dedicated to crafting and creating, this house has left a void in that department. So, like with all small house dwellings, we had to get creative! That's when I came across this cart. It's just the thing to help us stay organized and perfectly wheels away to be placed out of sight and away from curious hands. We store it in our pantry (along with 3 others...that's how much I love these). The height is perfect to fit under our pantry shelves and when I need them, I just roll them out like a flight attendant on drink duty.
One of my favorite and most used organizing tools is my label maker. I never fully understood their appeal until I invested in one myself. Now I label any and all things possible!
I also added snap hooks (similar 4-pack found here), to the sides to hang tape and other essentials.
The cart that gets used the most is our art cart. My kids recently found a love for watercolors with this set being my favorite for its wide range of colors. For hand prints, I love this large round stamp pad. My mom introduced me to these and they're truly the easiest thing to use for all those toddler hand print crafts. And while we love our character coloring books around here, one of my favorite things is to buy those 'grownup' coloring books, copy the pages and use the prints for the kids to color on...I currently have this one in my shopping cart, the botanical prints inside would be the perfect kid friendly framed art for our living room.
And if you're curious to know how we use the other three...one organizes play-doh, games & puzzles...one is used for their play food...one is for kid snacks (in a few more months, I'm hoping we can allow them to start helping themselves at snack and meal time) along with their cups & plates...and one is used for seasonal items.