This week marks Week 3 (and half way through) our 40 Day Intermittent Fasting Challenge. In case you missed it, you can read all the details and see the shocking results of Week 1 and Week 2 in my posts here and here. Week 3 brought on some challenges along with some major victories! Read below for all the things I’m learning.
How I Finally Gave into That Late Night Craving
On Instagram I joked about the hilarious mental cravings I got in Week 1. Truth be told those first 3 days were the hardest, as if my mind was going into a full revolt! ha! Week 2 was absolutely easier, as I was riding on a motivation high and the momentum from week one and its results. Now…Week 3. I don’t want to say it way hard, per-say…if anything I was extra motivated during my eating window to fuel my body with healthy, satisfying foods and continued eating what felt good vs what ‘sounded’ good - hello Sheet Pan Salmon! But the “newness” of intermittent fasting wore off a bit and for whatever reason, some of those late night mental cravings crept back in. Truth be told, I think they were driven hormonally as well. And come 8 pm, alllllllllll I could think about was a Cheeseburger and Fries. Which is a little weird considering I had given up red meat prior to being pregnant with baby #3. Now, to clarify, in no way did I limit myself from eating any specific foods, so any time at night (or during my fasting time), I’d promise myself I could have it as soon as my eating window began. In this case, late night cravings…hold off, but I could eat that burger & fries the next day. Well, low and behold, by the next morning, I didn’t crave, want or need that burger & fries. After a few days of this mental ping pong of emotions, I frankly got really frustrated. It was starting to drive me bananas and I honestly was tired of a burger consuming my evening thoughts. So, I did what felt right and Brian and I planned for a late night (at home) date night. We planned for Friday night to get the kiddos off to bed, then cook together and indulge in our cravings. Brian made a frozen Pizza and salad, and me, motivated by our No Spend Month Challenge, decided to forgo my favorite take out burger and also opted not to run to the grocery store again (I’ve committed to once a week grocery shopping for our No Spend as well as no take-out/restaurants)…so, I made myself a black bean burger with feta cheese and chose a lettuce wrap instead of a bun (mainly because those were the ingredients I had on hand). I also roasted a sweet potato to satisfy my fries craving. And you know what?! IT WAS SO GOOD AND SO SATISFYING!!! And by giving ourselves one night off from fasting, while also making some healthy compromises ~ hello made-from-scratch black bean burger!…those pesky late night cravings ceased. Again, this is where I think moderation, being intentional, and at times giving yourself a break, can help motivate you to continue making progress.
A Real Risk and Concern of Intermittent Fasting
Like I have said before…I am NO doctor or expert. Everything I share here is from my personal experience and before you consider making any diet or lifestyle change you need to consult your doctor and do your own research. I’ve also shared, that I will be completely honest and transparent when it comes to sharing and documenting my journey for you. The last thing I want are for these posts to be are “Lose Weight Quick Schemes”. Because, like I’ve shared before, this was all motivated by health. So in being transparent with you, I want to be upfront about the all the side effects…good and bad.
At the beginning of week 3, I found myself having a very minor headache. Then the next day a very dull, but noticeable cramping in my calves. Nothing crazy or debilitating, but a bit annoying. That day, happened to be a hectic one…carpool, kid stuff, work etc. So I went about my normal day. But by that night, the headache was a bit worse and the calf cramping more noticeable. In speaking to my doctor and doing research about Intermittent Fasting, I had read that vitamin deficiency can be a real concern and issue. By cutting your hours of eating, you can cut out calories and therefore, unintentionally cut out key nutrients. I knew this going into it, and have been taking these three vitamins the past month. This multivitamin brand , this probiotic vitamin and this supplement (which other PCOSers seem to rave about it because in addition to myo-inositol it also contains 100% daily value of vitamin B12..use this link for $15 off). In addition to those vitamins I’ve really been eating a healthy well balanced diet daily…so, vitamin deficiency didn’t make sense. Then it hit me.
I was dehydrated.
The past 48 hours had been a bit busier, back to school and work, and in trying to do all the things, I had started drinking a little more coffee than normal, in addition hadn’t been drinking as much water as I should be. Also, to clarify…even when fasting water is completely acceptable…if not mandated! For me, I just lost track.
I drank some water…and was shocked how quickly those side effects went away! And since then, a huge glass of water starts my day, even before coffee…and I make a point to drink it throughout the day. So, again, before making any lifestyle, diet changes…consult a doctor, know the risks and listen to the cues your body gives you.
The Shocking thing ALL Women Need to Know
Approximately, 33% of American women will die of heart disease, making it the leading cause of death in this country, even more than cancer.
You guys…33%! That’s no joke and that’s not a “if” it happens to me or someone I know, but “when”.
Several factors can put a woman at an increased risk…obesity, poor diet, sedentary lifestyle, smoking, and increased alcohol intake.
And women with PCOS automatically have higher odds of heart disease, heart attack and stroke and those odds only increase with age.
Take that in a moment. NONE of us want any of that!
Now, this brings me to blood pressure. Do you know that high blood pressure is a silent killer because most people don’t even know they have it. High blood pressure can damage the heart, brain and kidneys. High blood pressure can cause hardening and thickening of your arteries which can lead to heart attack, stroke or other complications.
Now, I don’t share this to doomsday you. In fact I only share it, because this along with other major health complications (PCOS, pre-diabetic, problems with my thyroids, hypertension)…are all things that helped motivate me to make my health a priority in my life. And this beyond the idea of losing some pounds on my body is what motivated me to take the first steps in getting to a healthy point in my life. Intermittent Fasting may or may not be the path you choose to take, but I do encourage all of you who have had that little voice in your head telling you to make a change, to start by making one small step in the right direction.
The HUGE Surprise I got At the Doctor’s Office
Five years ago, prior to being pregnant and having kids, I had impeccably good blood pressure. Like nurses and doctors always praised me for it! The week the twins were born, I was diagnosed with post-partum pre-eclampsia and from then on, my blood pressure has never been the same. My eating habits, weight gain, lifestyle & PCOS all contributing to it. And somehow over the last five years my blood pressure had creeped into full blown hypertension (high blood pressure). I had an appointment in early December, that among other things, confirmed again, that I had high blood pressure.
Fast forward to this week and I had my annual doctor’s appointment. AND I got a huge shock and surprise when, for the first time in a long time, my blood pressure wasn’t considered high! Not quite on the normal scale, but finally just above and considered ‘elevated’. Say What?! And I absolutely contribute this to all the healthy choices I’ve been making these past three weeks! Yes intermittent fasting, but also yes to all the healthy foods and choices I’ve been making (you can see my current recipes here). So, if another positive push is what you’re needing…I’d say this result alone is one to consider!!!
My Clothes are Beginning to Fit!!! (happy dance ensues)
Another pleasant surprise this week…my clothes are beginning to fit! See this dress above…yeah, on December 1st I wanted to wear it to an event I was attending…couldn’t even get it around my hips. YEAH…couldn’t even get this thing on my body…let alone somewhat flattering on my body. If you’re looking for a way to kill your confidence that will do it. So, yes, getting this dress on my body this week felt AMAZING!!!!
I’m pleased to say that Week 3 brought on another 3 lbs of weight loss. Bringing my total weight loss to 10 lbs in three weeks, and weighing in on the scale at 160! And while losing more than 1 lb a week is absolutely not advised for healthy weight loss, I’ll acknowledge that the majority of this stemmed from water weight and excessive bloat. Again, one of the many challenges that face those with PCOS. And like I’ve shared in previous weeks and want to emphasize again, while I’m fully transparent with you about the pounds on my body and therefore the number on my scale, please be reminded that the number is not what it’s all about. Again, healthy is the new skinny! And positive change for mind, body and spirit is what the real goal is. Everyone’s body is different, and therefore results will vary. Have pride in your journey, celebrate the victories and give yourself grace during the challenges. Best of luck to you friends. For me, this week was another success and one that’s motivating me for week 4!