When it comes to my garden, nothing brings me as much joy and satisfaction as growing roses! And while they’re absolutely one of the most high maintance plants I grow, their blooms and sweet fragrance makes all that effort worth it and then some. Plus if I can grow them, you can too! For successful growing I feed this to my roses once a month during the growing season and use this (sprayed as needed, but no more than every 7-10 days) for pest and disease control. So easy!
Hands down my roses are the most inquired about through instagram and if you follow me there you know I’m currently urging you to place your David Austin pre-orders in for Spring 2022 delivery. I have no affiliation with this brand, other than just loving them. And as crazy as it sounds, typically their most poplar varieties sell out early! And to top it off last January my inbox was flooded with so many dissapointed that they missed the boat. SO…if you’ve been eyeing roses, get those orders placed, you’ll thank me come Spring!
When it comes to David Austin Roses, you really can’t go wrong on variety. I prefer to shop their site based on color and fragrance, because after all if you’re going to the trouble of growing roses, they might as well be fragrant as well! In addition I always choose repeat blooming varieties, again their site specifies all of this so well! For those that have been asking, here are the varieties currently growing in my garden :
Generous Gardener Climbing Rose
This girl is a beatuy and the largest bloom size I grow. She’s sweet and fragrant and her blooms begin as a pure pink, then fade to a ballet blush then soft peachy white. And after the season I’ve had with her, dare I say she was this season’s winner! To see how we DIYed an Arch Trellis for her, click here.
Albrighton Rambler
My albrighton rambler is the first to wake from her slumber each Spring. Her button blooms are adorable and her ruffles delicate. She has the least thorns of the varieties I grow and happens to be the rambling rose growing on our playhouse. She would be stunning growing along a fence or house and when deadheaded regularly she is a wonderful repeat bloomer.
The Albrighton Rambler begins pink then has a wonderful ombre effect to peach, then ballet pink, white, as seen in the progression shot below.
Alnwick Shrub Rose
Quite possibly my favorite fragrance of all the roses I grow. Sadly my alnwick roses also happen to be the most neglected, and why I don’t have more photos of her I’m not sure. She is a peachy pink stunner with the absolute best ruffling. She is top priority for next Spring in my garden.
Comte De Champagne
Next up is Comte de Champange. She’s yellow and buttery and florishes with gorgeous blooms. She also happens to have the most and wicked thorns of all the roses I grow. However, she is always a stunner and produces a flush of roses each spring and fall.
Royal Jubilee
Constantly mistaken for peonies, this girls’ chalice blooms make for gorgeous bouquets! If you desire for longer peony season, the Royal Jubilee is the rose for you! Bright pink, you can’t help but be happy when this is growing in your space!
Well, those are the varieties I’m currently growing. Now head on over and find yourself a garden rose to grow! Happy Planning and Growing Friends!