Happy New Year

It’s a New Year and hopefully a good, fresh start for all! On a whim I decided to dust off the ole blog. I’m always grateful for this little spot in the world and while I’m not one for New Years resolutions, I thought maybe this would be the year I come back to this space. Hmmm. I gues only time will tell.

After the past few years (hello pandemic!), I know all of us are, on some level, questioning what it is that’s really important to us and the way we live daily. I’m personlly so excited for this new year and looking forward to creating a new, positive, healty normal for me and my family. On a personal note, 2022 was an extremely hard year. And if I’m being honest, second to the year my Mom passed away (yuck, cancer!), 2022 sucked. Like big time. But like all hard, challenging seasons, there were also a lot of good. The kids have been great, Brian and I have only been brought closer due to the challenges and one of the best, most exciting things… we moved! If you follow along on Instagram, you’ve gotten snippets from our year and our new (120 year old) home. I promise to make time to share more photos (porch above in October) I am just thrilled to raise our family here and I am so grateful for the opportunity to turn this space into a home.

Fresh Start!!!

Anyways, I’m kinda rambling. Today turned out to be un-seasonably amazing! 70 degrees and sunny. The kids played all day outside and Brian and I started to tackle some of the landscaping. We’re in the process of ridding the property of all the established holly bushes. Personally not a fan of them. We were able to get two gigantic root balls out and decided with the amzing weather it was a good time to transplant some of the very old camellias in their place. Plus by moving some of the camellas I’m hoping to make room for our peonies…I’m still needing to transplant those girls, so fingers crossed they don’t withhold their blooms from me once I do.

I hope you too had a good day. Maybe snuggled inside with a good book. Or at the gym starting your new resolutions. Traveling home from a hectic holiday season. Lazy. Busy. Whatever it may be, I hope you too made a bit of time to dream of the future, to plan a fresh start. And remember, it doesn’t take a new year to make your life a good one, but gosh, it sure does help to make it feel like a good time for a fresh start!



PS Thanks for being here. Not sure if blogs are still a thing. And especially not sure blog comments are, ha. But should you find yourself here, would love you to leave a comment. Say hi. Share your resolutions. Hopes. Dreams. Heck, what you ate for breakfast :)